As your community lender, we offer comptetive rates and direct access to our Consumer Real Estate Originators to assist you with the process.
Home Equity Loans
Competitive Rates
Flexible Payment Options
.50% rate discount when enrolled in STC auto payment
Interest may be tax deductible**
**You should consult a tax advisor for information regarding the deductibility of interest and charges.
Home Equity Loan Options
Closed End Home Equity
Money for what you need today. Included but not limited to debt consolidation, home remodeling, vacations, and weddings. *see important disclosures below.
Up to 20 years
Fixed interest rate
Fixed monthly payment
Variable Rate Line of Credit Home Equity
Money to meet your needs today and for years to come. Included but not limited to education costs, home remodeling, vacations, and weddings. *see important disclosures below.
10 years
Variable Interest Rate
Monthly payment is greater of 1% of the outstanding balance or $100
Fixed Rate Line of Credit Home Equity
For your long term needs with a guaranteed fixed rate. *see important disclosures below.
5 years
Fixed interest rate
Monthly payment is greater of 1% of the outstanding balance or $100
Mobile Home and Land Loans
Fixed Interest Rate
.50% rate discount when enrolled in STC auto payment
Fixed Monthly Payment